Some newly emerged waterlily leaves...
I am really enjoying this tropical life-never having lived for any length of time where the climate is this warm consistantly. I have been here 6 weeks now, not a drop of rain, clear blue skies,(like Alice), day after day. Days 30', nights dropping to 17-20'. I know it will change soon, but at present it is enjoyable.
Work is going well, I really have the trainer wheels off this week, as I am on my own. Next week I am off to Adelaide for a week's intensive training.
Yesterday I took myself out of town to a wetlands area, that is a wildlife reserve. I was in my element-many butterflies,birds,kangaroos, I even saw my first snake in the wild !!It was on my path- but disappeared very quickly. Also of course the inevitable mossie.....good repellant fixed those-I realise how important it is, as there are many diseases here transmitted by mossies.
These beautiful water liies are nearly finished....memo to myself to come back during wet season.
As far as the eye can see were these lilies,obviously as the waterlevel drops, the lilies disappear.
But it was the fabulous birds here that kept me busy for hours. The large white Egret (L) and the Royal Spoonbill were very busy.
The Royal Spoonbill reminded of the weekend we had in Karitane(Otago) several years ago chasing a group of Spoonbills.
This Forest Kingfisher was busy diving for small fish amongst some mangroves.He is brighter than the common Kingfisher.
This Crimson Finch was very busy catching insects on the waterlily seedpod.
This would have to be one of my favourites- a large white Egret just waiting for something to swim by......
I am really enjoying being satisfied with my bird studies-my new lens has really impressed me- it really is worthwhile having something of good quality.
All is very well here, hope this finds you all the same.....