Saturday, 25 June 2011

In remote Oz......

I have no internet, no cellphone, no phone....what it is to be so remote. I have bought a cheap telstra cell phone so have some coverage, and come into the van when I want internet.
I am in Derby, a long way from anywhere.....

I am working on van laptop, and now find I cannot upload any are all going to have to wait until I find an alternate place, or we get a little less remote. I am really enjoying the work, totally in my comfort zone. I have met some amazing women. Here in Derby, 85% of our clients are indigenous- really interesting ladies. I have another radiographer working with me, she is from Glenorchy(Queenstown), small world eh!!!! Kiwis are overtaking OZ.

Take care and I will try and find some way of getting access to another computer.