There are always some in every trip......
This whole area was an immense inland sea, so these rocks are compressed sand dunes. During our walk around the rim of the canyon , (no mean feat for this old tart!!), we saw many lizards of varying sizes. It took us over 3 hours to walk, but an amazing trek. I was slightly disappointed as some images I had in my mind weren't to be. There had been rain so we couldn't climb right into the bottom of the canyon.
I did enjoy the warm colours throughout the excursion tho. These images will show that. I haven't a lot more to tell- I will let the images speak for themselves.
For some obscure reason the canyon image has "fallen" off my memory stick. Thought I was so organised. Never mind, I will add it randomly to a post next week.
This presumably is of the solanum family-thriving even with a coating of red dust.
To totally change the subject- this is for those petrol head friends of mine..... these Falcon XJ6 's belong to the local constabulary- check out the number plates-they must buy them in bulk. They are not turbo- but I was told on good authority that they had been tampered with !!
I will let this fellow have the last laugh.....
cheers and take care.
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